Guar Meal & Roasted Guar Korma

Guar Meal & Roasted Guar Korma

Guar Meal (Churi)

It is the hull part of the guar seed which is split from the seed. The hull is grounded and then roasted in natural ways without the addition of any chemicals. It is low in lignin which is good for ruminants and high in protein, dietary fiber and energy that makes it perfect to be used in animal feed. It is available in powder form and its protein content is 38%-40%

Extra Clean Guar Meal (Churi)

The regular Guar meal churl undergoes treatment and sterilization and its nutritional value is raised. It is also a good source of carbohydrates and amino acids. Increased protein and digestiblity.


Super nutritional value with 97% of digestibility, Guar meal churl undergoes treatment and sterilization and its nutritional value is raised. It is also a good source of carbohydrates and amino acids. Yellowish powder form appearance

Organic Grades available, we are an ECOCERT certified company

Organic Grades

Product Name
Product Specification
Normal Guar Meal ChuriGuar Meal 40%Extra Clean Guar MealSuper Guar Meal
Crude protein38%40%45%≤60%
Digestibility80%±5%85%±5%85%±2%97% ± 2%


It is basically the germ part of the guar seed and is obtained after the guar gum is extracted from the seeds. It is a potential source of protein and carbohydrates with sufficient amount of amino acids. Therefore it is recommended to be given to milking animals. This enhances in the production of more milk as well as more percentage of fat in the milk.

The regular guar korma is further processed to increase its nutritional value

Further to increase its digestibility Guar korma is toasted to make it palatable and more nutritious. The roasted Guar korma is free of anti-nutritive elements, such as antitrypsin inhibitor.

This inhibitor limits the formation of trypsin which is an essential enzyme for nutrition. Therefore the Guar korma is heated at high temperature which breaks the cell walls and enhances the protein and amino acids digestibility in the product.

Excellent replacement for Soybean Meal, with highest protein value and lower cost advantage


Advantages of Roasted Guar Korma

  • Higher percentage of Crude Protein (CP)( Above 56% O&A)
  • Higher Digestibility Percent(85-90%), due to the removal of anti-nutritive factors
  • More desirable and balanced Amino acid Profile
  • Higher Energy content and fat percentage
  • Lower percentage of less digestible Fiber
  • Higher Palatability, complete elimination of characteristic bean odor and taste

Product we offer

  • Normal Guar Korma (Raw)
  • Roasted Guar Korma – PROFAT (Clean/Unclean)
  • Super Roasted Guar Korma – HIGH PROTEIN
  • RICOL® – Isolate protein
  • Organic Guar korma

DescriptionGuar Gum PowderGuar Meal ChuriGuar Meal KormaGuar Meal Roasted Korma
Moisture≤ 12%≤ 12%≤ 10%≤ 9%
Viscosity3000-7000 cps (varies by grade)NANANA
FiberNA 20-22%≤ 11%≤ 10%
FatNA≤ 5%6-8%8-9%
protein≤ 5%38-42%48-52%52-54%
Mesh Size200 mesh (standard, can vary)NANANA
Ash Content≤ 1%NANANA
ApplicationUsed in food, oil drilling, textile, and paper industries Used as cattle and poultry feedHigh-protein feed for cattle, poultry, and aquacultureHigh digestibility protein feed for poultry, dairy, and aquaculture
AppearanceOff-white fine powderLight brown coarse powderBrown granular powderDark brown granules